Saturday, February 15, 2014

Shabbat, 15 February 2014

I slept well, got up early, and went for an interesting walk this morning. After crossing the nakhal (on the way towards the gym) I followed it down on the other side to the next bridge back. I discovered that, next to the high school over there, there's some kind of a driver training area, with scaled-down roads, intersections, kikars, and even a traffic light. I guess it must be used for young people to begin learning about how to drive, but I previously had no idea that such a thing even existed!

In the late morning, David and I drove up highway 12 to the point where it turns away from the Egyptian border. There, we turned right onto a dirt road and followed it for a kilometer or so. Then we parked the car and walked over to a nearby nakhal (dry stream) and just enjoyed nature for a bit. One bush there was already blooming, and another species had buds that appeared to be about to bloom. In particular, we were happy that David was able to walk so well. The weather was just perfect -- partly cloudy but with warm sunshine much of the time and a cool breeze. All we needed to feel comfortable were our light jackets.

When we returned to town, we drove down and ate lunch at Barbis, having our regular soyaburgers. We found out that one of the waitresses there, who is from England, is actually a vegan (working at basically a burger place!).

In the afternoon, we talked with David's sister in Ohio. The news today was that her son and his girlfriend (who is barely out of high school and has a myriad of problems) had suddenly decided to get married yesterday! OY, OY, OY!!!

Next, we drove down to Ice Park and had our traditional frozen yogurt there.

I turned in my composition for my final project for my class "Write Like Mozart". If you'd like to see the score and hear it played at the same time, click on this link to it in NoteFlight.

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