Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, 14 November 2014

I fell asleep quickly as night but didn't sleep very long before I was awakened by a bad cramp in my left calf. Later, there were a few more cramps, I had some problems with heartburn, and I felt too hot even though the air seemed cold and even though I put the blanket completely off me. Anyway, it kept me awake for quite some time, and so I really didn't get quite enough sleep. I didn't go out for a walk as usual, but I did leave a little earlier to recycle cardboard and get challah. I took the cardboard to a recycling bin that's further away and in a bit different direction.

I taught 5 units of Berlitz lesson today: 9:00-10:30, 10:30-11:15, and 11:30-1:00.

Then we went to David's appointment with his psychiatrist, and after that we had a delicious lunch at Buddha Burgers. I also picked up a whole vegan cheesecake that I had ordered a few days ago. It's David's gift to me to help me celebrate my birthday tomorrow!

In the evening, a few minutes later than we really were supposed to, we welcomed the Shabbat by lighting candles, drinking wine, and eating a bit of challah.

זכור את-יום השבת לקדשו
ששת ימים תעבוד ועשית כל-מלאכתך
ויום השביעי שבת ליי אלוהיך לא-תעשה כל-מלאכה אתה ובנך ובתך עבדך ואמתך ובהמתך וגרך אשר בשעריך
כי ששת-ימים עשה יי את-השמים ואת-הארץ את-הים ואת-כל-אשר-בם וינח ביום השביעי על-כם ברך יי את-יום השבת ויקשהו

Remember the day of Shabbat to make it holy.
Six days you will do all your work.
And the seventh day is a Shabbat to Adonai your G-d -- don't do all your work, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and your farm animals and the converts that are within your gates.
Because in six days Adonai made the sky and the land, the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day and therefore blessed the day of Shabbat and made it holy.

[my more or less literal translations of the commandment in Exodus 20 -- this original is above it, sans pointing, which is too much of a pain to type -- LOL]

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