Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday, 7 September 2014

I slept very well last night and with virtually no pain. I woke up rather late, though, and so didn't go out for a walk

I had a busy morning. First, I went to get my shoulder x-rayed, and the news was good: no fracture (which didn't surprise me at all). The gas company's office is very close to the downtown Maccabi branch, so I popped by there to pay the gas bill. Then, I went to the vet to get another sack of the special diet food for the cats. Next, it was on to the doctor's office. He was pleased to see the progress on the gash that he had stitched, and he put some disinfectant on it to make sure it continues not to get infected. He also checked my shoulder more carefully and is worried that I might have torn a tendon because of certain ways that I can't move it on its own. So, he's sending me in for ultrasound to have a look. However, the earliest appointment I could get it 5 weeks away, so we won't know for a long time. I'm not too worried, though, since it's now giving me very little pain. My final morning destination was Shufersal to do the weekly grocery shopping.

We went to Togarashi at Mercaz Big for lunch today and both had pad thai. David also had corn soup, and I had pickled Japanese vegetables.

In the afternoon, I went to the Maccabi pharmacy to pick up one med that they hadn't had when I was there last week. However, they STILL didn't have it, so I had to go to SuperPharm to get it. But MaccabiPharm called ahead to verify that it WAS there and reserved the final 2 boxes for me.

I added one more good capability to my Python program for tracking our meds. It now lists the medicine in the order of their projected run-out dates, so that the ones will run out of first are listed at the top. It was just a simple application of merge sort, and I copied the code from a website I found. I only had to make minor changes to 1 or 2 lines to make it work perfectly.

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